ALBERT W. JACKSON pictured (seated) with his brother,
Walter (standing) was the son of Exa Merle Lewis and
Walter Lee Jackson.
Albert was born on Sept. 16, 1925, and died March 1,
1989, at the VA Hospital in Dallas. He had served in
the U.S. Navy. He and his family were living in Moran
at the time of his death. His father was a medical
doctor and his mother, a nurse. They were long-time
Ranger residents and Albert was born in and grew up
in Ranger, TX & graduated with the Ranger High School
Class of 1943.
He also had a younger brother, Andrew Jackson, who
was in the RHS Class of 1946. His older brother,
Walter Jackson, graduated in 1941. Albert was
married to Bobbie McKelvain and they had one son,
Ralph William Jackson. Albert was a distinguished
biologist in wildlife management and was responsible
for creating many interesting national animal solutions
as well as writing for journals & magazines.