Ranger Exes Memorial-TX - RHS Class of 1963 Reunions & Homecomings
RHS-1963 Reunion in 1988 (25th Anniversary) (enlarge) Names: NA
RHS-(1962-64) at 2002 Homecoming (enlarge) Names-NA
RHS-1963 Reunion in 2008 (L-R): Linda Hatton Young, Jeralyn Anderson Sledge, Millard Herwick, Sissy Blackwell Miller, Charlene Blackwell Simpson.
Curly Wayne Ross (RHS-1961) - modeling the latest style in hats in 2008.
RHS-1963 Homecoming in 2010 Patsy Nail Swindle, Linda Warford, Linda Hatton, Jeralyn Anderson, Mel Herweck, Sissy Blackwell Miller, Arthur Merritt, Fredda Lamb, Charlie De Los Santos, Edwena Edmonds & Robert Owen.
RHS-1963 Reunion in 2010 - Lunch at New York Hill Restaurant in Thurber, TX. Names: NA
RHS-1963 Homecoming in 2012 (enlarge) Names: NA
RHS-1963 Homecoming in 2014 (enlarge) Back (L-R): Linda Kay Warford, Charlie De Los Santos, Verne Peterson, Jeralyn Anderson & Mel Herweck. Front(L-R): Linda Lou Hatton, Sissy Blackwell, Pat Eschberger & Edwina Edmonds.
RHS-1963 Homecoming in 2016 Names=NA
RHS-1963 Homecoming in 2018 (another view) Back Row: Charlie De Los Santos, Vern Peterson, & Mel Herweck Front Row: Linda Hatton, Patrica Eshburger, Jeralyn Anderson Sledge.
RHS-1961-65 Homecoming in 2022 (enlarge) Top: Bob McCleskey ('65) Back row: Pat Eschberger Speake ('63), Milred Herweck ('63), Linda Hatton Young ('63), Kay Smith McCleskey ('65) Front row: David Pickrell ('61), Sandra Allsup Owen ('62), Dayle Penney ('62), & Jay Baker ('62).
RHS-1963 Reunion in 2023 (enlarge) attending: Mel Herwick & Elaine, Linda Hatton Young, Roberta Gore Lewis, Johnny Wells, Denny Ewing, Pat Eschberger Speake, Jeralyn Anderson Sledge, Charlie Le Los Santos, Bobby Beck, Linda Warford Welch, Jay Baker ('62) & Patsy.