Ranger Exes Memorial - RHS Class of 1923 The Faculty & RJC

Mamie Langston Hamrick MAMIE RUTH LANGSTON HAMRICK died Jan. 1, 1969. She was a member of the Ranger High School Class of 1923 at Ranger, TX and longtime faculty member at RHS & Ranger Jr. College, teaching foreign language and English at both, specializing in Spanish. She was married to Robert Lee Hamrick. Mrs. Hamrick was very active with the students and sponsored social clubs such as the Debs at RJC and Spanish Clubs, Los Habladores at RHS and Los Hidalgos at RJC. Besides being a terrific Spanish teacher, she gave most of us our first taste of Mexican food and Spanish/Mexican customs at parties in her home. Beloved by all who knew her and studied under her, Mrs. Hamrick took a special interest in each of her students. Her son was Robert "Buddy" Hamrick (RHS-1950) and daughter, Mary Frances Hamrick (RHS-1944).