Ranger Exes Memorial-TX - Old Ranger Photos The Boom Years - Page 10 of 12

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [ 10 ] [11] [12] [13] [14] oldpic187 Downtown Ranger in the 1930s looking east on Main St.

oldpic190 Simpson-Alexander Men's Store in Ranger

oldpic189 Inside the Simpson-Alexander Men's Store

oldpic191 Freedom parade in downtown Ranger looking west

oldpic192 Downtown Ranger in the 1930s

oldpic193 Lipscomb's Bath House in Ranger

oldpic194 Early wooden train depot in Ranger

oldpic195 Trains arriving at the Ranger depot

oldpic196 Train yard at the Ranger depot

oldpic198 Ranger's "carnival corner" where you could buy anything

oldpic199 Muddy street in Ranger. The rain led to an epidemic of typhoid & influenza that killed many.