Ranger Exes Memorial - Eastland County
EHS Class of 1983
1982 Eastland Mavericks Class AA State Football Champions
Top L to R: Coach Don Adair, Lance Bailey, Bobby Simmons, Kevin Wright,
Jim Moylan, Jerry Millican, Jeff Parker.
Top Middle: Coach Steve Lopez, Head Coach Rodney Hess, Jay Hess, Richard
Ferrell, Thomas Sanders, Gary Stuart, Chris Norris, Justin Owen, James Morton,
Bottom Middle: Coach Ronnie Hughes, Coach Rickle Pack, Kael Joiner, Corliss
Sanders, Kellar Nevill, Shem Culpepper, Mark Mitchell, Scot Gordon, Mgr. Carl
Bottom: Mgr. Jody Finley, Clay Taylor, Benjy Holland, Jud Hess, Michael
Smith, Phillip Bitner, Jimmy Humphrey, Mgr. David Wilson.
Not Pictures: Wade Knox, Curtiss Sanders, Curtis Govan, Kevin Bailey, Jon
Carter, Bill Dool, Robert Morren, David Morren, Todd Shirley Don Rossander,
Raymond Lewis, Scott Terrell, Jim Clark, Donnie Reeves.
15-0-1 Record
Scored 636 Pts.
Allowed 100 pts.