Ranger Exes Memorial - Eastland County-TX Salute Veterans of Eastland County

U.S. Veterans who attended school in Eastland County except for Ranger. Some veterans listed maybe deceased. KIA=Killed in Action Updated: 01.25.2025 School-Class Veteran Service Branch, Rank, Conflict, & Medals EHS-1936 General Lloyd Siebert - US Army Air Corps, WWII 1941-45, Italy CHS-1939 Thomas Cullen Hart - US Army Air Corps, WWII CHS-1939 Morris Douglas White, Sr. (decd) - US Army Air Corps, WWII, 486th Bomb Group, B24 & B17, retired in 1965 after 22 yrs., LT. CRHS-1940 Robert Medford (decd) - US Army CHS-1941 Edward Ernest Wende (decd) - US Navy, WWII CHS-1942 Glenn Pup Doggett (decd) - US Navy, Korea CHS-1942 Wilbourne Dale Ivie (decd) - WWII AHS-1943 Ray Blackwell (decd) - US Army, WWII CHS-1943 John Edward Davis (decd) - US Navy CHS-1943 Marvin Rex Ramsower (decd) - US Army CHS-1943 William T. Sherman (decd) - US Army Air Corps CHS-1944 Martin "Buck" Cleveland (decd) - US Navy, WWII, USS Alabama EHS-1944 Dr. Norman Durham (decd) - US Navy, WWII CHS-1945 Richard Elbert Anderson (decd) - US Army, WWII CHS-1945 Donald True Gorr (decd) - US Army EHS-1945 Frank Steen Herring (decd) - US Army, 1950-52 CHS-1946 Ealy M. Black (decd) - US Army, USAF, Guard, 34 yrs. EHS-1946 Norman Richardson (decd) - US Navy, USAF CRHS-1946 George McBee (decd) - US Arm & Reserves, Korea, awarded combat stars CHS-1947 James Lee Christie (decd) - US Army CHS-1947 Ted Louis Fields (decd) - US National Guard CHS-1947 Harold John Reich (decd) - National Guard CHS-1947 Charles Wende (decd) - Texas Army National Guard CRHS-1947 Kenneth Ray Hill (decd) - US Navy EHS-1947 C.C. "Pete" Strickler (decd) - US Army, Korea CHS-1948 Roy Glenn Trapp - US Navy, Korea CHS-1948 George R. Watts (decd) - USAF, Korea GHS-1948 Jimmie Max Crawley (decd) - US Army, killed in Korea CHS-1949 Joe Bacon (decd) - US Air Force, Staff Sergeant CHS-1949 Emmett L. Rich (decd) - National Guard, 1949-62 EHS-1949 William W. Cooper (decd) - Korea MVHS-1949 Lindy Dale Langlitz (decd) - US Army, 1952-54 EHS-1950 Robert L. Harbin (decd) - US Navy, 1951 CHS-1951 Jimmie Griffine (decd) - US Navy, 1952-56 EHS-1951 Gerold L. Harris (decd) - USAF, Vietnam, Master Sargent EHS-1951 Willliam E. Sikes (decd) - US Army CHS-1952 Luther H. McCrea (decd) - US Navy, aircraft carrier, tech EHS-1952 Richard Dick Evatt (decd) - US Army RSHS-1952 Weldon C. Hill (decd) - US Army CHS-1953 Jimmy Harold Jones (decd) - USAF CHS-1953 Frederick D. Shockley (decd) - US Army, Captain CHS-1953 Carl Arthur Ziehr (decd) - US Army GHS-1953 Jerry Ray Skaggs (decd) - US Army CHS-1954 Marcos Gallegos (decd) - US Navy, radio operator, Philippines CHS-1954 Joe D. Ziehr (decd) - National Guard CHS-1955 Freddric Anderson (decd) - US Army, Korea CHS-1955 Charles P. Chick Jr. (decd) - US Army, Korea CHS-1955 Billy Charles Miller (decd) - US Army, 1959-61, Germany CHS-1955 Charles Donald Poe (decd) - US Army & US Navy CHS-1955 Richard C. Thames (decd) - Army National Guard CHS-1956 James L. Branton (decd) - US Army CHS-1956 William Joyner, Jr. (decd) - US Army EHS-1956 Odis G. McDonald (decd) - USAF EHS-1956 Terry Don Warren (decd) - US Army CHS-1958 Jerald Dowe Wallace (decd) - US Army, 1st Lieutenant, Vietnam, KIA EHS-1955 Berry D. Bownds (decd) - USAF EHS-1958 Freddie Don Tucker (decd) - US Army OHS-1958 Thomas Monroe Alfrod, Jr. (decd) - US Army EHS-1959 William Elrod Sr. (decd) - US Navy EHS-1959 Kenneth Charles Leach (decd) - US Army CHS-1960 Donald Hale (decd) - US Army, Vietnam OHS-1960 Johnny E. Ferrell Jr. (decd) - US Navy CHS-1961 Robert Bruce Speegle (decd) - US Army, during Vietnam GHS-1964 Ernest Richard Parsons (decd) - USAF OHS-1964 Benny K. Rodgers (decd) - USAF EHS-1965 William Sidney Herridge (decd) - USAF, Vietnam CHS-1965 Danny Wade Clack (decd) - TX National Guard CHS-1966 Harold Davies (decd) - US Army, Vietnam CHS-1966 Gary Lynn Holdridge (decd) - USAF CHS-1966 Larry W. Warren (decd) - US Marine Corps CHS-1966 Walt Wilkerson (decd) - US Army, Sergeant, Bronze Star CRHS-1966 Jimmy D. Parrigan (decd) - USAF, Vietnam GHS-1966 Louis Torrez (decd) - US Army OHS-1966 Clifton B. Steddum (decd) - US Army, Vietnam RSHS-1967 Danny Ray Schaefer (decd) - USAF, Vietnam CHS-1969 Audrey Tucker (decd) - TX Nation Guard CHS-1970 Randy Glenn Hamilton (decd) - USAF, Personnel Specialist CHS-1973 Bob E. Maynard (decd) - US Army, Medic, Vietnam CRHS-1955 Carl William Rice - US Navy, 20yrs, Vietnam CHS-1992 David E. Jacobs - US Air Force CHS-1993 Cullen W. Rabel - US Air Force CHS-1996 Charlie J. McKinney - US Navy CHS-1998 Timothy W. Lawrence - US Navy CHS-2000 Michael Ivie - US Navy CHS-2002 Brandon C. Elizalda - US Marine Corps CHS-2003 Terry LD. Trantham - US Army CHS-2004 Ryan T. Barnes - US Navy CHS-2004 Howdy D. Johnston - US Army CHS-2004 Perfecto Rodriguez, Jr. CHS-2004 Andrew White - US Navy CRHS-1941 Forrest D. Keith (decd) - US Navy, WWII EHS-1935 Marvin Tarver (decd) - US Army EHS-1936 William Edward Gilkey, Sr. (decd) - US Navy, WWII, radio operator EHS-1941 James Travis Harrell (decd) - US Air Force, WWII, Korean Conflict EHS-1943 James T. Wright (decd) - US Navy EHS-1944 Felix Spurlen (decd) - US Army, US Navy, WWII EHS-1951 Billy B. Jordon - US Navy, Korean Conflict EHS-1954 Raul Herrara (decd) - US Army EHS-1965 William S. Herridge (decd) - USAF, Vietnam, B-52 tail gunner RSHS-1967 Ronald Dean Hunt (decd) - US Army EHS-1968 Thomas Gregory Daniel - U.S. Marine Corps EHS-1972 Forrest Tucker (decd) - USAF, TEC Sgt EHS-1978 Rita Armstrong LeRoy - Army National Guard, Sgt., Operation Iraqi Freedom EHS-1995 Ryan Holt - US Marine Corps, Operation Iraqi Freedom EHS-1996 Paul Holt - US Marine Corps Reserve EHS-2001 Frieda Threet - US Army EHS-2003 James M. Bailey - US Army EHS-2003 Riley L. Frausto - US Army EHS-2003 Christopher White - US Marine Corps EHS-2004 Ben S. Bible - US Air Force EHS-2004 Kaleb C. Blaylock - US Marine Corps EHS-2004 Cody Young - US Marine Corps EHS-2004 Kevin L. Wollam - US Marine Corps EHS-2005 Diana K. Black - US Army Nation Guard EHS-2005 Christopher B. Russell - US Navy EHS-2005 Jason R. Williams - US Air Force EHS-2007 Dereck R. Bible - US Army EHS-2007 Jordan D. Parker - US Army EHS-2007 Kasey D. Volpitta - US Army National Guard EHS-2008 Kaleb S. Dove - US Marine Corps EHS-2009 Dusty T. Busk - US Marine Corps EHS-2009 Michael C. Smart-Stennett EHS-2012 Donna Glenn - TX Army National Guard GHS-1944 Tommy Stinnett (decd) - US Navy, WWII, Pacific Theater GHS-1945 Bobby Joe Boswell (decd) - US Army, WWII GHS-1949 Roy F. Dennis (decd) - US Army, MP, Korean Conflict GHS-1958 John T. Brown (decd) - US Army National Guard, Staff Sergent OHS-1940 Adra Lee Fox (decd) - US Navy, WWII, USS Tulagi, 4 battle stars, served in Southern France, Lingayan Gulf, Iwo Jima & Okinawa OHS-1960 Connie Yarbrough (decd) - US Army, Operation Big Lift-Germany OHS-1961 Bennie J. O'Brien (decd) - US Army during Vietnam OHS-1965 Burl David McGraw III (decd) - US Navy, Vietnam 65-67 Others Robert D. Ashley Sr. (decd) - US Marines Others Robert C. Atchison (decd) - USAF Others Scott Bailey (decd) - US Army, Korean Conflict Others Dale O. Bakker (decd) - USAF, Air Police Others Joe Robert Bowles (decd) - US Army, Sgt, Korean Conflict Others Donald Scott Brinkley (decd) - US Army Others Roy Hasting Byrd (decd) - US Army 1956-58 Others Fernando Canales (decd) - US Army, Vietnam Others William J. Carmack (decd) - US Army, Vietnam Others Sharley Joe Cooper (decd) - US Army Others Charles Courtney (decd) - US Army Others John Howard Craven (decd) - US Navy, Korean Conflict Others Billy J. Daffern, Sr. (decd) - US Navy Others William Eudy (decd) - US Navy Others Jimmy Reid Everett (decd) - USAF Others Major Powell Farnsworth Jr. (decd) - US Navy, WWII Others Monty Nolan Faulk (decd) - US Navy, Vietnam Others Alfonso Ramon Gaeta (decd) - US Army/Marines, WWII Others Willard L. Griffin (decd) - US Army Air Corps, WWII, B-24 Others James A. Harper (decd) - USAF 1951-55 Others Carroll W. Hogan (decd) - US Army Others Dudley B. Houle (decd) - US Army/AF, WWII Others Charles M. Humphries (decd) - US Army Others Drew Dan Jackson (decd) - US Army, Korean Conflict Others Charles Lee Jessup (decd) - National Guard Others Dryan L. Johnson (decd) - US Army, Korea Others Harvey Lawrence Johnson - US Army, WWII Others Michael Henry Johnson (decd) - US Army, 20 yrs. Others William Charles Kierre (decd) - National Guard, US Army, Korean Conflict, Sergeant Others Tommie Joe Lee (decd) - US Army, Vietnam Others Jimmy Dale Maples (decd) - US Navy Others Lee R. Maxwell (decd) - US Navy, WWII Others Bobby Joe McCoy (decd) - National Guard Others James Miears (decd) - US Navy Others Darwin L. Miller (decd) - US Marines, WWII, Okinawa Others Douglas Wayne Mims (decd) - US Army, Korea Others Dudley J. Nelsoon (decd) - US Navy Others Merrel F. Nichols - USAF, Vietnam, Tech Sergeant Others Jimmy I. Orosco (decd) - US Navy Others Ron Palmer (decd) - US Marine Corps Others Rudolph S. Parker (decd) - US Army, Korea Others Royce Lee Parsley (decd) - US Army, Korea Others Robert Gleason Perkins (decd) - US Army, WWII, England Others Reginald Van Pittman (decd) - US Army, Germany Others Charles Preston (decd) - US Army Others Micheal Dean Puntney (decd) - USAF, Vietnam Others Orval Rodgers (decd) - US Navy 1965-74, Vietnam, USS Enterprise Others Frank Saylors (decd) - US Army, medic, Vietnam Others Roscoe L. Seay (decd) - US Marine Corps Others Harrell Loyd Steddum (decd) - US Army, military police Others Rollie Wayne Stennett (decd) - US Army 1954-56 Others Roger Lynn Stephenson (decd) - US Army Others Ralph Eugene Stevens (decd) - US Army, National Guard, 1963-68 Others Lloyd Ray Swindle (decd) - US Army, Korean Conflict Others Billy Vann (decd) - USAF, Korea & Vietnam, 22 yrs. Others Ike Watts (decd) - US Navy, WWII, Pacific Theater Others Robert M. Webb Jr. (decd) - US Navy, Midshipman Others H.T. Wilson (decd) - US Marine Corps, WWII Others John A. Wood (decd) - US Army, Okinawa CJC Fred Harvey Allen (decd) - US Army, 25th Infantry, Korea CJC Thomas W. Anderson (decd) - Texas National Guard CJC Carolyn Moye Broughton (decd) - Women Auxiliary Army Corp, WWII CJC Burnice H. Coleman (decd) - US Navy, Korea CJC Lionel Otho Crisp (decd) - US Army CJC Carlton L. Edwards, Jr. (decd) - US Navy CJC Henry "Hank" Evan (decd) - USAF, KANG, Senior Master Sargent CJC Rex Neil Farley (decd) - USAF, Korea CJC Jimmy Dale Farrow (decd) - USAF, Vietnam CJC Ross Alford Finley (decd) - National Guard, US Navy CJC Wilbert Gerst (decd) - US Army CJC Donald Hale (decd) - US Army, Vietnam CJC Dr. Gary W. Harris (decd) - US Army, Vietnam CJC Bobby Glen Johnson (decd) - USAF CJC Jack Lannom (decd) - USAF CJC Ralph Edward Harness (decd) - USAF, Germany & England CJC Rondal Howard Hodges (decd) - US Army, Korea CJC Richard Lee Hopson (decd) - US Marines Corp, 1953-56, Korea CJC Jesse David Jones (decd) - US Army 1964-67 CJC Captain Billy C. Matthews (decd) - US Navy CJC Teddy Wayne McCulloch (decd) - Texas National Guard CJC John "Jack" Mellor (decd) - USAF, Iceland, Spain, Vietnam CJC Marvin C. Powell (decd) - US Army, Vietnam CJC Joe Edward Schaefer (decd) - US Army, radar tech CJC Daryl Allen Tafelmeyer (decd) - US Army, Operation Desert Storm, 3-bronze stars CJC Leonard Elton Tipton (decd) - US Army, 20 yrs., Korea, Vietnam CJC J.D. Wilson (decd) - US Army CJC Joey Howark York (decd) - US Navy SEVEN EASTLAND COUNTY SERVICEMEN WHO PAID THE SUPREME SACRIFICE IN VIETNAM: Everett W. Everett, Willie D. Tyrone, James K. Gray, Joseph A. Venerable, Larry Roberts Jr., Jerald D. Wallace, & Larry Joe Rodges. NOTE: This list is unofficial & not complete.