born in Gordon, TX on April 8, 1912. Her parents
were Lee A. Mitchell & Winnie Jane Havins Mitchell.
Doris had a brother, Robert Lee Mitchell (RHS-1932).
Her sister was Mildred Mitchell Kribbs (RHS-1937) of
Breckenridge, TX.
Doris graduated from Ranger High School in 1929 and
Ranger Jr. College in 1931 at Ranger, TX. She attended
North Texas and the University of Texas in Austin for
7 summers.
Her first teaching assignment was at Merriman south
of Ranger. She taught grades 4-6 in one room. Doris
said, "Merriman was the wealthiest school in the
state because of the oil boom". After two years at
Merriman, Doris taught 4th & 5th grades at Cooper
School in Ranger.
In 1938, Doris married R.V. Robinson (RHS-1933). They
had 3 children: Ann Robinson Cross (RHS-1958) of Snyder,
TX, Jim Robinson (RHS-1961) of Ft. Worth, and Robby
Robinson (RHS-1965) who is deceased.
Doris was active in the First Baptist Church teaching
Training Union and Sunday School. She was a member
of the Ranger Garden Club. She worked with R.V. in
the Robinson Food Market from 1954 until 1963. She
passed away in Feb. of 1989 after a lengthy illness.