SENIOR CLASS (yearbook not available)
Hubert Anderson..............decd
D.C. Arterburn...............decd, m. Dorothy Lewis (RHS-1946)
Mary C. Blacklock............decd, m. name Blair
Delma Boney..................decd, m. name Bullard
J. Carrol Boon...............decd
Audrey Fae Bush..............decd, m. Charlie Rose (RHS-1936)
Arthur Camacho...............decd, m. Elisa Flores (RHS-1947)
Dorothy Christian............decd, m. name Abraham
Bobby Lee Coffman............decd, m. Thomas C. McBay (decd)
Marie Conway.................decd, m. Lewis T. Sherman
James G. Cox.................decd
Mary Croom...................decd, m. name Yeager
Billy C. Davis...............San Angelo TX
Geledia Davis................decd, m. name Cartwright
Gwen Dawn....................decd, m. Jim Parrish (RHS-1942)
Robert D. Dawn...............decd
Jerry DeVore.................decd
Louise Dodd..................decd, m. name Bell
Doris Dudley.................Kirkwood MO, m. R.B. Thomas (RHS-1940)
James W. Elder...............decd, m. Mary Moore (RHS-1940)
George D. Falls..............decd
Jamie Falls..................decd, m. to Claude Floyd (RHS-1940)
Claude R. Floyd..............decd, m. Jamie Falls (RHS-1940)
Maxine Fondren...............decd, m. name Morse
Robert "Bob" Galloway........decd
Gay Nell Gideon..............decd, m. name Daskevich
Ernest "Shot" Gray, Jr.......decd, m. Vivian Grissom (decd)
Ira G. Gray..................decd
George Tommy Guess...........decd
Elois Hall...................decd, m. name Smith
Charles W. Hargrave..........decd
Cicero Harris................decd
Francine Hatley..............decd, m. name McCauley
Princeton Head...............decd
Alice Henry..................decd, m. Bobby Powell (RHS-1932)
Bill R. Hodges...............decd
Agnes Holder.................decd, m. name Rushing
J.B. Houghton, Jr............decd
Norman E. Huffman............decd
R.L. "Bob" Hunt..............Bellaire TX, m. Zelma Robinson Huff (RHS-1940)
Reba Hutchinson..............decd, m. name Jordon
LaVerne Jacoby...............decd
Frankie Lee..................decd, m. name Wallace
Lou McGown...................decd, m. name Archer
Darlyene McGregor............decd, m. name Goodner
Francis McHenry..............decd
J.H. McKelvain...............decd
Helen McKeehan...............decd, m. name Gasaway
Mary Beth Moore..............decd, m. J.W. Elder (RHS-1940)
Harlon Perrin................decd
William J. Powell............decd, m. Pattie Thomas
James W. Ratliff.............decd
Glen Rex.....................decd
Hutch Reynolds...............decd
Zelma Robinson...............decd, m. Robert Hunt (RHS-1940)
Mildred Rogers...............decd, m. name Reus
Owen Ed. Rose................decd
Betty Russell................decd, m. John Taylor Beggs (decd)
James C. Russell.............decd
Jerry B. Smith...............Farmersville TX
W.H. "Billy" Smith...........decd
Marie Spiess.................decd, m. name Frick
Lola Spindle.................decd, m. name Forbes
Myrl Squyres.................decd
Floyd Stevens................decd
Margarite Stevens............decd, m. name Arterburn
Fannie Swaney................decd, m. name Hatten
R.B. Thomas Jr...............decd, m. Doris Dudley (RHS-1940)
Mary Thompson................decd, m. name Bennett
Kinzie Tucker................decd, m. name Shue
Maucie Fay Turner............decd, m. name Kirk
Vera Ann Vaughn..............decd, m. Robert Doffer
Jack Wallace.................decd
Henry Walker.................NA
LaVerne Watson...............decd, m. Jack Little (decd)
Dois Wilson..................decd, m. Dickie Hodges (RHS-1938)
Nova Young...................decd, m. name Robertson
Ben F. Yung Jr...............decd
Bernice Adams................decd, m. name Veale
J.B. Ames....................decd
Ernest L. Arterburn..........decd
Lucille Blakney..............decd, m. name Burch
Mildred Bradfield............decd, m. name Head
Bobbie Branton...............decd, m. name Helmecke
Wesley Dempsey...............decd
Hershel Eyley................decd
Murdell Gray.................decd, m. name Rowlett
Thomas Weldon Hale...........decd
Archie Hazard................decd
Bill Houghton................decd, m. Catherine Murray (RHS-1942)
Beatrice Jones...............decd, m. Herschel Boyd
William Henry Limbocker......decd
Georgia Ann Miller...........decd, m. name Dugan
Pleas Moore..................decd
Goldie Sneed.................decd, m. name Manzella
Louise Spiess................decd m. name Riddle
Helen Wheat..................decd
Betty Frank Weekes...........decd, m. name Veyran
Nell Weekes..................decd, m. name James Hester (decd-1995)
GRADUATION: May 25, 1940
SALUTATORIAN: Fannie Dell Swaney
NOTE: No yearbook published due to hard times.
RHS-1940 as Juniors in 1939 yearbook: - NA
RHS-1940 as Sophomores in 1938 yearbook (Group pic)
Bernice Adams, D.C. Arterburn, Ernert Arterburn, Bobby Bishop,
Othella Bishop, Mary Claude Blacklock, Lucille Blakney, Delbert
Boney, Carroll Boon, Mildred Bradfield, Bobbie Branton, Carlton
Bratton, Herman Bryan, Audrey Faye Bush, Frank Campion, Dorothy
Christian, Bobby Lee Coffman, Marie Conway, Mary Crooms, Geledia
Davis, R.D. Dawn, Tempie Dean, Wesley Dempsey, Jerry DeVore,
Louise Dodd, Doris Dudley, Olive Eaves, Eunice Erwin, Hershel
Eyley, Jamie Falls, Oscar Lee Favors, Maxine Fondren, Betty
Gorman, Ira Gray, Murdell Gray, Elois Hall, Charley Hargraves,
Clara Jane Harmon, Cicero Harris, Francine Hatley, Archie Hazard,
Alice Henry, Adeline Hill, Billy Ross Hodges, J.B. Houghton,
Madeline Howell, Bob Hunt, Reba Hutchinson, Walter Lee Jackson,
Leroy Jay, Beatrice Jones, Dessa Mae Jones, Buford Jordon, Jane
Lauderdale, Henry Limbocker, Patricia Lyman, Dorothy Mathews,
Margaret Jo McCleskey, Roy McCleskey, Louella McGowen, Darlyene
McGregor, Frances McHenry, Georgia Ann Miller, Ruth Miller,
Pleas Moore, Harold Owens, Lillie Parker, W.J. Powell, Barton
Rasmussen, James Ratliff, Michael Ready, Glenn Rex, Doris
Robinson, Zelma Robinson, Mildred Rogers, Betty Lou Russell,
James Russell, Jack Shelton, Billy Smith, George Southerland,
Louise Spiess, Marie Spiess, Lola Spindle, Myrl Squyres,
Marguerite Stevens, Fannie Dell Swaney, Vera Ann Vaughn, Jack
Wallace, LaVerne Watson, Margaret Watt, Betty Frank Weeks, Nell
Weeks, Dois Lynn Wilson, Murle Wilson, Joyce Winnegar, Glenn
RHS-1940 as Freshmen in 1937 yearbook: - NA
Hodges Oak Graduation in 1936
Class Reunions
CPT program at RJC